Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Reflective Journal - Week 8

1. What did you actually learned from the unit.
I learned about budgets in a hospital setting and the importance of budgets in the hospitals. 
2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why?
I appreciated this week's learning experiences. This was all new for me. I did have a hard time actually understanding it all without being in a face to face classroom, there was no room for discussion and asking questions, but it was interesting to learn about this information and the value of using it in a hospital setting, because it is essential for the success of hospital organizations. 
3. How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice.
Well since I eventually am hoping to be in nursing management, I will definitely be using the tools I used in this week's lesson. It also made me think of ways that I could cut back personally in my job. Thinking about only bringing the supplies I need into the patient's rooms and trying to minimize the supplies I need to get my job done. I also realized the biggest expense was for staff. With this in mind, I will try to be better at sending staff home when I am charging to make sure that I am keeping us within our budgeting needs for my unit. 
4. You personal feelings about the material covered. 
I feel that it is extremely valuable and essential information especially for leaders in health care. I hope to learn more about it in the future. 

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