1. What did you actually learned from the unit.
I learned different ways in how to motivate employees, especially as a nurse manager.
2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why?
This has always been a passion of mine. I have worked on units that have really great employee retention and I try to take what they do and use it on other units that I work on. The problem I have noticed, is that managers aren't as passionate about it as I am and don't really consider it.
3. How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice.
Well one day when I am hopefully working as a nurse manager, I hope to adopt some of the practices that I believe so firmly in and also use some of the skills that were taught in this week's lecture.
4. You personal feelings about the material covered.
I like the different ideas that discussed motivation techniques for employees. It was definitely important information for me to understand and hopefully be able to adopt in my practice one day.